A new exciting group project to work on with Aly and Sid. First shoots for the "branding" or rather creating an visual identity to a imaginary band. Fusing two clashing music genres, electro pop and northern soul, we needed to research into the past and understand each ones audio, visual and typographical characters. Now, it was about finding the right balance that works to communicate and believing in our identity.
Here some test shots and process and spaces we explored. Its trickier than I thought since everyone with a camera is apparently a terrorist. Filling forms at the hayward, being told off loads of time, finding amazing squats and spending hours in a breeze and english rain, grumpy mornings, special attention by others and with blinding eyes, we had the most amazing fun
Big thank you for our talented photographer Eloise Batterbee!
Big thank you for our talented photographer Eloise Batterbee!
The next stage was to create a visualise typographically what 6078 was about.. I decided to craft digitally the name of the band out of cardboard and tape though series of experimentations. Here some examples of the letters. Eventually, I chose not to use them. Less is more.